Film poster for La vida exagerada de Martín Romaña, a film by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, designed by Pablo Monterrey Almiñaque.
Black-and-white drawing of an armchair next to very small black-and-white drawing of the Eiffel Tower, with half-finished blue-and-white drawing of an armchair above. Splotches of blue paint accompany the images and the text.
70 cm (h) x 50 cm (w)
ink on paper
Poster Item Type Metadata
La vida exagerada
de Mart�n Roma�a
un filme de:
Tom�s Guti�rrez Alea
basado en la novela de:
Alfredo Bryce Echenique
The Extravagant Life of Mart�n Roma�a
A film by:
Tom�s Guti�rrez Alea
Based on the novel by:
Alfredo Bryce Echenique
Monterrey Almi�aque, Pablo (1985- ), “La vida exagerada de Mart�n Roma�a ,” Swem Library Digital Projects, consulta 22 de enero de 2025,
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